Sisters Dish

Preparation is Key

We’re so excited and we just can’t hide it! This is it folks! The Sisterhood is about to meet in person. For the first time in “forever,” we can say, “see you next week” and literally mean it. We only have the weekend together and a lot of territory to cover, so we need to be efficient and mindful of our timing, hence preparation is of the utmost importance.

Division of labor is a key strategy for the Sisterhood, so in all fairness, we decided to delegate specific tasks to each of us. It seemed like a good idea at the time, but as is often the case, the hostess (that would be me) is left with the majority of responsibility. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not complaining. My tendency to OCD will undoubtedly result in a successful reunion and that of course is the ultimate goal.

Where to Begin?

I hesitate to plan a tight schedule because for the most part, the Sisterhood prefers spontaneity. Indeed we have often found that some of our most memorable adventures have arisen entirely by accident, but one must admit that a certain amount of planning is necessary. After much discussion with Middle and Little, confirmation of my grandchildren’s soccer schedule, and a few Google searches on how to plan the perfect party, I was able to begin.

NOTE: I was going to produce an Excel Spreadsheet as a visual aid but decided that it would be overkill, although, one can’t be too thorough when hosting an event of this magnitude.

Reunion 2022

The following is a tentative plan for our reunion weekend. Please be advised that revisions may be necessary due to unforeseen circumstances.

Date and Time: After much discussion we settled on Saturday, from Noon, until the wine runs out.

The Venue: We decided on Big Sister’s deck with a contingency plan in case of rain. That would be simply taking the celebration inside. Little has been designated “Weather Watch Person” and will give hourly updates as the big day approaches.

Transportation To and From the Venue: Really? Do I have to do everything?

Theme: We generally prefer low key celebrations so we are planning a casual theme which thankfully will mean that Big Sis won’t have to do a thorough house clean or worry about any elaborate decorations.

Theme Song: We cannot overemphasize the importance of music in our lives. The Sisterhood loves music. Even though our tastes are somewhat different, we have agreed on a selection of songs which capture both the aura and mood we are attempting to create. They are : 🎵Together Again, We are Family, and my personal favorite, Reunited and it Feels so Good🎵

Activities: Big Sis wanted to add a karaoke element but was voted down. Unfortunately, Middle and Little feel their musical talents cannot possibly hope to meet those of Big, so sadly, it’s a no go.

Little wanted to show off her eye hand coordination skills, as demonstrated in the accompanying video. This is an unusual and pretty much useless skill, so Big and Middle remain skeptical but are open to considering their participation. We will let you know on “Game Day.”

Menu: This was surprisingly complicated as we each have strong feelings about our preferred foods. Little is happy with pretzels and chicken wings while Big really likes Doritos. Middle on the other hand fancies a more sophisticated choice, preferring Macaroni and Cheese Bites, insisting that they would be the perfect accompaniment to our drink of choice, Three Sisters Wine. Ultimately, we have decided that we will each be responsible for our own food, keeping in mind that “sharing is caring.”

Dress Code: The Sisterhood is generally supportive of individuality in all areas. I mean who are we to dictate what one should wear on any occasion? We briefly discussed the possibility of dressing exactly the same but felt that ultimately we should each be free to express ourselves as we see fit.

Audio Visual: We unanimously agreed that this was a priority above all else. We are determined to preserve this momentous occasion for all time, hence we needed to reserve our audio visual person well in advance. Our preferred expert is Big’s daughter and after only a slight hesitation, she generously agreed to provide her services at no expense. (Note: her particular area of expertise is in “The Art of Taking a Selfie.”) She will no doubt produce a magnificent tribute to our reunion.

Agenda: As previously mentioned, we generally prefer spontaneity, but because we have had an expression of interest from a famous documentary producer, we are considering a more scripted agenda….just kidding! We plan to simply eat, drink and entertain ourselves by answering important but silly questions.

And so “the table is set,” so to speak. Only five more sleeps until the big day! We’re so excited and we just can’t hide it! Tune in next week for a full round up of our adventures and escapades. Woohoo! Until then, Peace, out. ✌️

We plan on doing a new post each Monday, so stay tuned for our next one entitled “And Now For The Rest Of The Story.”

One Comment

  • Lana

    Way to go Mag loved the video – as for the get together details, reminds me of my two sisters – but we will not get into that here
    Hurray looking forward to next week

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