Sisters Dish

A New Perspective

So here we are in 2023. A year of possibilities stretched out in front of us. Naturally talk among the Sisterhood turned to what we thought the new year would bring and not surprisingly Big, Middle and Little Sis all had different ideas about how the year would shape up and what they plan to focus on.

This Is An “R” Free Zone

By Middle Sis

Ok, I’m only going to say it once. Resolution. There I said it. Never to cross my lips again until the end of 2023. As you can tell, I have very strong feelings about the R word and lots of history to go with it. I don’t think I’m alone in this. Years of making them (word which shall not be spoken), shortly thereafter breaking them and feeling bad about not being successful for more than a couple of weeks.

All that said, I am the kind of person who likes to mark new beginnings and look at a new year as a chance to set a course for personal growth and learning. So what to do? Well, in a word, “word.” That’s right. I have chosen a word to act as my guide for 2023.

This is the second year I’ve done this and I am happy to tell you that I reached the end of 2022 feeling that the word I chose did help guide me in a positive way in my day-to-day life. And the best part – not a whiff of guilt over failure to be found.

And so you may ask, what is my word for 2023? Sorry, its kind of like a birthday wish – if I tell you, it won’t come true…

Where Did The Time Go?

By Big Sis

Suddenly it’s 2023 and I know I am not alone in wondering, what happened to 2022? In my world, it flew by in a blurry, frantic nanosecond, and I have questions people. I ask myself, how can I slow things down? How can I write the story of 2023 so that each day is memorable and appreciated? How can I live deeper in each moment? Noble and inspiring thoughts for sure, but lets get real. I can only do so much.

With that caveat in mind, let me say that I heartily agree with Middle Sis in her distaste for the R Word but you have to have a plan, right? I mean it just seems so pointless to live your life without some kind of a compass (as long as the expectations attached to that compass aren’t too onerous.😊)

So, drum roll…..I am going to try my hand, once again at, wait for it…..journalling! Yes, I am determined to document each day in a meaningful way, but this time I have a truly workable plan. Middle informs me that there is a very acceptable form of journalling called consciousness streaming, and thankfully it is quite simple really. All I have to do is write 2-3 pages every morning before I do anything else, but it’s 2-3 pages of whatever random thoughts come to mind. It isn’t directed or forced….it’s simply a written stream of consciousness. Who knew?

The best part? There is no need to keep the document, unless of course you want to, mainly because it is in the moment and intended only to refresh and clear your mind for the start of another day. How great is that? 😊

The Walk of Life

By Little Sis

I have to agree with Big, and Middle Sis, 2022 has flown by, and in the blink of an eye its 2023. It seems like just yesterday I graduated High School. If time flies by that quickly for humans, imagine how time flies for my furry friend Biscuit. They say for every year a human ages, a dog ages seven. (So by my estimation Biscuit and Big Sis are the same age.😂)

My new perspective for 2023 is to get out for more walks with Biscuit. The one good thing that came out of the pandemic was that Biscuit and I would go for long walks. We got to check out the neighborhood, say hi to old friends and make some new ones. It was a great way to spend an afternoon. We both got some exercise and treats. It was a win win for everyone.

Once life started to return to normal, things got busy again. Then the weather turned bad and neither one of us likes the rain or the snow, so the walks became less frequent. And since Christmas we find ourselves just sitting around the house eating leftover holiday baking and watching reruns of Law and Order. I think we’ve both put on at least 10 lbs and Biscuit’s bathroom outings are getting shorter by the day.

So Biscuit and I decided we want to get back to doing more walking. Sometimes these things are easier said than done, but we both are very motivated to get in shape for bathing suit season. We also came to the realization that our walks don’t have to be long. The important thing is take in all the life, and all the amazing things that are going on around us while we are out.

We are ready to walk and roll!

Note: The above are original ideas, driven by the insatiable curiosity and incredible creativity of the Sisterhood. If you think that any part or all of them, may be of use in establishing your 2023 perspective, we are happy to share and wish you good luck 😊

We plan to do a new blog post every Monday so stay tuned for our next one entitled “Unsolicited Retirement Advice for Little Sis.”

One Comment

  • Lana

    Resolutions are wonderful and I am sure you will all keep yours, right? Another good thoughtful piece made me think about what I should be considering for the coming year – hmmm

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