Travelling with “the Seniors”
The Sisterhood, as you all know, loves to travel. Sometimes though it can be difficult to travel with a group of people. They don’t always agree on where to go, and what to do. I feel very lucky in that respect as Big and Middle Sis are very agreeable, and we always have an excellent time. My challenge comes with travelling with not one but two seniors. Let me spill the tea.
Panic in the Cab
After a very long flight we finally arrived at the Halifax airport, at 11:00PM. We collected our bags, got a cab, and were on our way to the hotel. Middle Sis, and myself were in the back seat, with Big Sis behind us. All was quiet, when all of a sudden out of nowhere we heard ” You guys, you guys.” Middle Sis and I turned around, to see what was happening. Big Sis was in a full blown state of panic because she couldn’t find her purse.
Immediately, I was thinking we have to go back to the Airport, and Middle Sis had this look of sheer panic on her face wondering what was going on. After several heart pounding seconds, comes a sheepish voice from the back seat saying ” I found my purse.” Apparently Big Sis had forgotten that she had hung it around her neck. After this announcement a sense of calm came over the cab, and of course in the Spirit of the Sisterhood, Middle Sis and I would occasionally mention this incident during the remainder of the trip.
The Guiding Light
After the excitement of the cab ride died down, we finally got ourselves settled at the hotel. Since we were still on Pacific Standard Time, we weren’t tired, but we were hungry. So we decided to go out. It wasn’t easy to find a place because we were staying in the heart of the college party district, and even at midnight, the streets and bars were packed. We finally found a place, and had a couple of wobbly pops and a bite to eat. We didn’t realize the time, and before we knew it, it was last call. We couldn’t resist, so we had a couple more pops. It was about 2:00 AM when we headed back to the Hotel.
Back at the Hotel, we started unwinding from our long flight, and night out on the town. Our next challenge was deciding who gets to sleep in which bed. Big Sis took the cot, Middle Sis took one bed and I took the other one. The next step was deciding who washes up first. I went first, Big Sis next, and then Middle Sis, who takes just as long to get ready in the morning as she does at night.
Finally after about an hour it was time to get some sleep, so I turned out the bedside light. Big and Middle Sis were looking at their phones. I can only assume Big Sis was reading the Globe Mail, and Middle Sis was reading something about crocheting.
The phones eventually were turned off and just as I was starting to close my eyes, Big Sis says, “Guys can we leave the bathroom light on?” I am thinking to myself no, we can’t leave it on! Then Middle Sis says ” Hey I agree, can we leave the light on?” I had to give in to them. I was worried they might get lost in the room, and not find their way back to their beds. It really would not have been so bad, but the bed I was sleeping in was just across from the bathroom. (By the way, the bathroom light was left on when we were in Antigonish as well.)
The Shuffler
Fast forward to Antigonish. We had about a 2.5 hour drive from Halifax to Antigonish. (The drive was good, except for one minor detail, but we will save that for another time.) We arrived at the Antigonish Evergreen Inn, got our keys, and headed to the room. The room was cute, and the air conditioning was wonderful because it was hot as Hades outside. There were two double beds, and an air mattress, which I knew right away was where I would be sleeping. The mattress itself was was quite low to the ground and I knew that Big and Middle might have a hard time getting up in the middle of the night if they needed to use the facilities.😉
Eventually bedtime finally came around. Again, we all washed up, and decided to call it a day. The air mattress was actually pretty comfortable, and as soon as my head hit the pillow I fell asleep.
I thought I was dreaming at first because I woke up to a shuffling sound, but it eventually stopped. I didn’t pay much attention to it but just as I was starting to fall asleep again I heard the same sound. I looked up and saw the silhouette of Middle Sis coming back from the bathroom, shuffling her feet as she made her way back to her bed. Needless to stay every time Middle Sis got up in the middle of the night I could hear feet shuffling along the hardwood floor. The next morning I asked Big Sis if she heard Middle Sis getting up in the middle of the night, and she said no. I just put it down to Big Sis being a sound sleeper, me not so much. So for the next five days Middle Sis would get up, shuffle her way to the bathroom and back. I eventually got used it.
There you have it folks, a brief glimpse of what its like to travel with two seniors. Maybe you are asking yourself is Little Sis going to keep traveling with the two seniors? To that I say, yes I will continue with traveling with them, and will continue to spill the tea. As Big Sis so eloquently told me, in her own special way, if was not for her and Middle Sis I would most likely would never have to gone to any of the places we have been. Big Sis once again is right.
One Comment
Alannah A Jacques
I can so relate about giving each other a bad time about stuff but I also remember the special relationship with older sisters just like you three have. Wonderful – thank you once again for sharing your adventures.