What To Do? What To Do?…
With potential retirement on the horizon, I have started thinking about what I would do with all this new found freedom from work. I thought I should try and pick a hobby, but I am just not sure what I would be good at or enjoy, so I set out to try a few activities that might work for me. Big and Middle have been giving me valuable pre retirement advice and constantly bugging me to make a plan so I finally gave in. Here are some of my more interesting possibilities.
Beauty Is In The Eye Of The Beholder
When I was a young kid I doodled all the time and drew lots of amazing pictures for my friends and family. I had dreams of being an artist at one point, but that all fell by the wayside. I thought maybe I should take it up again.
To Tame The Wild Beast
I have always loved animals, especially dogs. Maybe I could be I dog trainer? I thought I would test out my skills.
A Thousand Words?
Photography sounds like it might be fun. Maybe I could be the next Ansel Adams?
If All Else Fails
If I am not able to find a hobby, I can always go back to Tai Chi. Its good for you and you can do it anywhere. As you can see Biscuit thinks its boring…note the gigantic yawn in picture number 1.

The quest is not over yet. I am still looking. Hopefully I will be able to find something, and I will have a plan for a happy and fulfilling retirement….suggestions anyone?