Betty Boop

Smile at a Stranger Day

Recently I experienced a “smiling incident” that resonated so strongly I was compelled to write a blog post about it. I mean, it really resonated. So I decided to try a personal experiment which I imaginatively called “Smile at a Stranger Day.” It involved deliberate smiling attempts to engage with a stranger and documenting the results, which of course were beyond fascinating. So without further ado, I present my findings, none of which could possibly be classified as scientific in nature, but rather, anecdotal and very interesting.

Big Sis’ Smile Stories

I Like Your Shoes

I will state right up front that I have an unhealthy fixation with shoes, stemming from the fact that I have bunions and my shoe options are extremely limited. Hence I am often looking at what others are wearing on their feet. So, I decided to start with that approach.

I was in the parking lot walking towards a big box store, when I saw them…a beautiful pair of open toed sandals that looked they might be a possible fit for me. So I approached my target with a broad smile and the original line, “I like your shoes.’

“Why thank you” she replied and proceeded to detail how they were perfect for summer casual outings and went well with most items in her wardrobe. Not only that, they were incredibly comfortable and easy to keep clean. She went on for probably another 20 seconds with completely useless information, before I could get to the point of this monologue. My point being “Where did you get them?” I should have known…she remembered the name of the store and then casually added “It was about three years. ago.”

Massive disappointment, but we parted with a cheery smile and wishes for a good day.😉

Maybe Next Time

I always shop at the same grocery store and over the years I have noticed a concerning trend regarding my experiences with the cashiers. It seems that inevitably as I’m waiting in line, the customer ahead of me is enjoying a vigorous conversation with the cashier, and both are full of joyous smiles….I know, slight exaggeration, but my reality.

When I reach the cashier, my smile could light up a room, but suddenly dark clouds roll in and the cashier looks bored and sullen. There is no eye contact, so she can’t see my glowing smile. As I take my groceries and receipt, I can hear her greet the next customer enthusiastically and the sound of laughter haunts me as I walk away.

Massive smile experiment failure but hope springs eternal…..maybe next time?

Well, Thank You!

Picture this. I am at the airport and a woman is walking towards me. She looks nice so I give her one of my biggest smiles ever. As we pass, she gives me what could be classified as a “mega smile” and says “that color looks stunning on you.” And that was the sum total of the interaction.

Now, at the risk of sounding like I get compliments on a regular basis, wherever I go, I want to emphasize that it was MY smile that started the whole interaction. We could just as easily have passed each other in complete silence. So, I am going to count this as a win for Smile at a Stranger Day and just enjoy the fact that someone thinks that color looks stunning on me.

Keep on Smiling

I really enjoyed this little experiment, but have I gained any earth shattering insights? The answer is no. However, I am going to continue my smiling efforts as much as possible. Although smiles at strangers are usually unexpected and completely “in the moment,” the effect can be quite lasting and meaningful for both the smiler and the smilee.😀

I might add that the Sisterhood has had many engaging and fun encounters by simply smiling at strangers. After all, it is a Sisterhood guiding principle.

And so without further ado, I am going to end this post with Sisterhood words of wisdom.”Keep on Smiling” my friends. Smiles all around! Betty would love that!

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