• Sisters Dish

    Baby It’s Cold Inside

    Recently our normally temperate climate experienced an unusual cold snap, complete with lots of snow and high winds. Unfortunately, our furnace chose to give out during said cold snap and our house temperature dropped precipitously. Even more unfortunate was the fact that there must have been several such furnace issues in our immediate vicinity because I was forced to wait a full 24 hours before a heating technician would be available. The final indignity? My hubby was on a golf trip and I was on my own. At first I was resigned to bravely stick it out. You know, chin up and all that sort of thing. It didn’t take…

  • Sisters Dish

    Hello Stranger

    It happened a few months ago, but occasionally it resurfaces and always brings a smile. What is “It”, you might ask? Well, I was out for a leisurely walk on a beautiful sunny day and a man approached in my direction. As our paths crossed, he smiled and said,” I just have to tell you that you’re looking great today.” I was stopped dead in my tracks…metaphorically speaking anyway. 😉I did, however, manage a rather weak “thank you” as he kept on walking. I suspect I am one of very few people who have ever had such an encounter. People simply don’t interact with strangers, and I am sure you…

  • Sisters Dish

    Big Sis Gets The Boot

    It was a normal Friday in July of this year. When I say “normal” I mean that I had just finished my normal workout and as usual I was a bit tired, a bit pumped and quite a bit “sweaty.” But as I made my way back to the car, I experienced a sudden, sharp pain in my left foot. This was not normal. And this is where my story begins. The pain passed quite quickly so of course I ignored it. (I read somewhere that redheads have a higher than normal pain threshold, but don’t quote me. It could just as easily be the opposite.) Besides,The Sisterhood was on…

  • Athletic Adventures,  Travels with My Sisters

    🎵Summertime and the Livin’ is Busy!🎵

    The Sisterhood is back and ready to rock! We’ve got so many stories to tell that it’s hard to know where to start. So, let’s make our way back to this past summer, July to be exact. We arranged a trip to Halifax with our final destination being Antigonish where we would walk our planned 5K, enjoy some Highland dancing and experience the famous Nova Scotia hospitality. As usual, there was drama, there was sightseeing and there was laughter and fun. The Drama The day before we were set to leave, Big Sis had an accident of the oops! variety. She was working out and unbeknownst to her at the…

  • Sisters Dish

    G’Day Mate

    Our daughter recently moved to Australia and we miss her terribly. So…..we took the plunge and arranged a trip “down under.” At first glance, it seemed simple enough. After all, it’s a Commonwealth country, and they speak English. Perfect! What could possibly go wrong? Uh…apparently, quite a bit. (cue the scary music)😉 The Good, The Sort of Bad and The Ugly We like to think we are seasoned travelers so we take a very methodical approach to planning our travel adventures. Of course task number one was confirming our dates with our daughter and booking flights. Done! So far so good. (Because we wanted to spend as much time as…

  • Sisters Dish

    The Amazon Echo Mystery

    Our extended family probably has elite status with Amazon Prime. We regularly take advantage of the convenience of online shopping and Christmas in particular is our busiest purchasing season. In fact, this past Christmas was, as they say, "one for the books." Multiple parcels were arriving on our doorstep daily and the Amazon boxes were piling up, so much so that it was hard to keep track of what was ordered and what actually had arrived.

  • Athletic Adventures,  Sisters Dish

    Channeling My Inner Athlete

    As I remember, it was a warm, sunny day in 1960, and I was missing school because I was supposedly sick. I say supposedly because my only truly vivid memory of the day was that my fifth grade teacher was speaking to my mom on the phone. I was naturally concerned that I had done something wrong and was about to be punished. Far from it. The annual athletic day was tomorrow and my team needed me. Apparently, I was the fastest runner in Grade Five and the relay team would go down to defeat without me. At the tender age of 10, I was regarded as pivotal to their…

  • Sisters Dish

    Let’s Do This!

    I have known for a while, that because my Grandmother was born in Northern Ireland, I am eligible to apply for Irish citizenship. I have also known that as exciting as that may be, the process appears to be quite rigorous and I have a long list of other adventures to pursue. But I recently decided that it's time to just do it! 2024 will be the year I will wholeheartedly devote myself to the application process. I am committed to this. And so with the full support of the Sisterhood, I begin.....

  • Sisters Dish

    70 is the New “I Don’t Care”

    If you are young, and by young I mean under 70 years, this post probably won't resonate with you. In fact, you will likely find it difficult to get past the title. If you've made it this far, however, I urge you to keep reading because this will inevitably apply to you. The sad truth is we all get older. The happy truth is that often we get wiser and hopefully end up in the "I don't care" stage of life. Allow me to elaborate.

  • Sisters Dish

    Citizenship Through Ancestry

    In today’s whirlwind world of social media, it is so easy to endlessly scroll through meaningless content and immerse oneself in ridiculous trivia. I am no exception. And so it was that I recently happened across an interesting article titled “Irish Citizenship Through Ancestry.” Well that caught my eye and I clicked. To my surprise it is apparently possible to claim Irish citizenship if one has a grandparent born in Ireland. Hmm, I have a grandparent born in Ireland. The mind boggles! And the mind is now on overdrive. I am compelled to investigate further. Initially, it seems to be a deceptively simple process. Of course there is documentation to…