Biscuit’s NBF
Note: NBF is short for New Best Friend...or is it New Boy Friend? Biscuit is a very sociable canine. She makes friends easily and not long ago she was introduced to Sir Quachi, a Maltese mix from Mexico. There was immediate chemistry (could this possibly be a romantic situation?)
Saturdays With the Sisterhood
Once upon a time, there were three sisters affectionately known as.........."The Sisterhood." Theirs is a long standing relationship, having been acquainted with each other since the birth of Little Sis in 1965. It is a connection that is unbreakable and as you can see, on occasion they even dress alike. More importantly, they are united in a dedication to honor their late mother, Betty. Hence the creation of this blog and their Instagram account titled "Betty Would Love That," because they sincerely hope that Betty would in fact, love what they are doing.
Unsolicited Retirement Advice For Little Sis
Big and Middle Sis have both been retired for a number of years now and both have adjusted remarkably well to this dramatic, life changing event. In contrast, Little Sis appears destined to continue her employment for the immediate future. That hasn't stopped Big and Middle, however, from offering words of retirement wisdom on a regular basis, but it is our belief that to date, it has mostly gone unheeded. Convinced that Little is in need of a comprehensive and informed plan, well in advance of retirement, we offer the following invaluable advice, born of real life experience. Listen up Little.....we're talking to you.🤔
I’m Too Old For This
I recently turned 72, and although I recognize the wisdom that comes with age, I don't particularly feel wise. What I do feel is much younger. In fact, my brain clearly thinks I am somewhere in the vicinity of my early 60s and on a good day my late 50s. Hence, I had no qualms whatsoever when Hubby proposed a trip to Portugal. This was to be our first big expedition since the pandemic and even if our travelling skills were a bit rusty, there was a distinct aura of enthusiasm in the air. We were ready to do it!
What is an Ironman Competition?
Well, until a few years ago, I had no idea. Then I gained an athletic son in law and I was enlightened. It is a three phase competition , which involves a swim of 2.4 miles, a bike ride of 112 miles (usually with lots of steep hills and valleys) and a full marathon, which is 26.2 miles ( with more steep hills and valleys). And to top it off, there is a time limit, albeit a relatively generous one, but it serves as an additional challenge. Just stop for a minute and contemplate the above. Yes, you read it right. Can you even imagine?
🎵Will You Remember the Times of Your Life?🎵
I have been cohabiting with the same man for fifty years and by anyone's standards, that's a long, long time. Don't worry. This isn't going to be a lengthy, boring description detailing the minutiae of those fifty years, but rather a celebration of where we are at today, because where we are at today is pretty darn wonderful. We are healthy and happy....most of the time that is. Who could ask for more?
And the Fun Just Never Stops…
There is no disputing that our tiaras and the ensuing hilarity were a highlight of our vacation, but there is so much more to tell. In fact, it’s remarkable that we managed to pack so much excitement and laughter into four short days, so allow me to elaborate on some of our more meaningful experiences. Please be assured that no animals were harmed during the following adventures and the safety of others was paramount. All participants shall remain anonymous to protect their identity (we didn’t know their names anyway) Walk Don’t Run Because one of our foundational principles is to promote physical fitness, it was of the utmost importance that…
Things My Mother Taught Me
It’s generally acknowledged that motherhood is a challenge. Not only are you tasked with the every day, keeping the house running smoothly tasks, you are expected to go above and beyond to teach your children essential life skills. If you are blessed with a large family, as Mom was, the challenge can be overwhelming and when a certain young daughter asks to learn how to knit, (technically a non essential life skill) it must be just about the last thing you want to do. But, after a bit of nagging on my part, and probably some serious soul searching on her part, Mom bravely gathered needles and wool and we…
Keeping Up With the Sisters
Every once in a while life blesses you with an experience that lands in your heart, stays there and leaves you sweet memories. And every once in a while those memories reappear and you relive the magic. In this case, the magic took place in August 2019 when my daughters (affectionately referred to here as #one and #two) decided that a girls trip to Italy was in order. Much to my delight, I was included in that category.
Preparation is Key
We're so excited and we just can't hide it! This is it folks! The Sisterhood is about to meet in person. For the first time in "forever," we can say, "see you next week" and literally mean it. We only have the weekend together and a lot of territory to cover, so we need to be efficient and mindful of our timing, hence preparation is of the utmost importance.