• Sisters Dish

    Sweet Dreams???

    You may remember a few months ago, after a night at the Sleep Clinic that will live in my memory forever, I was diagnosed with sleep apnea. Once I came to terms with this I decided that the dreaded CPAP machine was not going to be in my future, no matter how loudly I was snoring. So what was I to do? What’s Up Doc? Luckily my Dentist came to the rescue. He said there is an appliance that has an 80-90 % success rate in treating sleep apnea. After I hugged him (not really but I was so happy I should have) I said sign me up. The catch…

  • Sisters Dish

    A Few Of My Favourite Things

    We dedicate this post to our dear Auntie Lana, our most loyal reader, who is dealing with some significant health challenges right now. We love you.❤️ As Christmas approaches I start looking forward to my two favourite things, and perhaps they’re not what you might expect. No, they’re not shopping and Christmas carols, but rather, making a gingerbread village and gift wrapping. While the gift wrapping waits until closer to the big day, work on the gingerbread village starts early… In the Beginning One of our family Christmas traditions is making gingerbread houses. We started this when our kids were young and carried it on with grand kids. I have…

  • Sisters Dish

    🎵What Do You Get…

    As you may know this was a big year for me, celebrating 50 years of marriage and turning 70. I feel very fortunate to have reached both of these milestones and so, if you’ll indulge me, I think a little navel gazing is in order. And rest assured dear reader that, if you recognized the first couple of titles here as the Dionne Warwick song from the 70s, my story does not involve “a guy with a pin to burst your bubble…” but rather is a happy, grateful one. When You Fall In Love (and are married 50 years) Firstly, you are not wrong if you calculated that I was…

  • Athletic Adventures,  Travels with My Sisters

    Maritime Magic

    So, just to refresh, the Sisterhood has a goal of walking 5k in every province. So far Alberta, BC, Saskatchewan and Quebec have been crossed off our list, and just when we were deciding which province would be next, Don, a friend of Big Sis, suggested Antigonish as our Nova Scotia stop. Being from there, he painted a vivid picture of the town, and when Middle Sis heard that there would be Highland Games along with a walk that the Sisterhood could do, well she was not to be denied and so…Antigonish it was. Little did we know what a remarkable experience it would prove to be. We’re In Celtic…

  • Sisters Dish

    Grandma and Grandpa Go to Europe

    My husband calls this the year of four. By way of explanation, I was born in 1954 and we were married in 1974, so with this being 2024, I am soon to be 70 and we have been married for 50 years. Both big milestones for sure and thus Grandma and Grandpa’s trip to Europe to celebrate! And what an experience it was; 20 days of action packed travel with time in Paris and London and a cruise of the British Isles. Having endured my fair share of peoples’ endless vacation photos and blow by blow descriptions of their daily activities while on vacation, I decided to take a more…

  • Sisters Dish

    You Deserve A Break Today

    If you are over 40 you will recognize the title of this post as the 1970s slogan for McDonald’s restaurant. In the late 70s I was mom to two young children and we were regular visitors to McDonalds where the food, prices and atmosphere were focused on young families like ours. As the children got older we gravitated away from fast food restaurants and for many years have not really visited any of them until recently. This post is me fessing up to the fact that I succumbed to all the fast food marketing hype and fell off the healthy eating wagon hard. A Trip Down Memory Lane I am…

  • Athletic Adventures,  Sisters Dish

    It’s A Long Way To Antigonish

    If you are a reader of our blog, you’ll know that we have a goal to do a 5k race in every province in Canada. This year we are checking Nova Scotia off our list by visiting Antigonish and yes, it is a long way to go – 6225 km to be exact. And while I am excited about accomplishing this part of our goal, what is most exciting for me is a chance to attend the Antigonish Highland Games while we are there and take a trip down memory lane. You see, highland dancing and I go way back, and despite the fact that my knees hurt just watching…

  • Sisters Dish

    We’ll Be Home For Christmas

    Once our children had families of their own, we established a rotation of sorts so that we could have our whole family together every other Christmas. This worked especially well when grandchildren were young and travelling the almost 1000 kilometres between our households was a big undertaking. We did this for several years and then COVID hit and extreme weather hit and airline cancellations hit and to make a long story short we have not been able to get together with our whole family at Christmas for a while. But not for lack of trying… *x#?&* COVID As everyone knows, on the first Christmas in the throes of dealing with…

  • Sisters Dish

    Driving Miss Kerri

    Never in a million years did I see myself writing about cars and driving, but recent events have had this topic in the forefront of my mind. You see, we are now the proud owners of a new van, not so exciting in and of itself, but the journey to get there was like nothing I ever expected. The Fun Bus Back when our first grandchild arrived we thought purchasing a van might be a good idea so that we would have room for all the grandchildren we thought were sure to come. So we did just that and over the next several years more grandchildren did arrive. As time…

  • Sisters Dish

    Turning Tables

    This is a story about a table, yes, a table- the one you see my grandchildren using for their chess game in the picture above. It is a beautiful solid wood table of the kind you don’t see much any more and that you certainly wouldn’t find at IKEA. It first belonged to our parents and after their passing now belongs to me. Before you start wondering what more one can say about a table, the real story here is about what that table represents and the memories that are attached to it. We Bought A House After many years with his company, dad received a promotion which involved a…