Sing, Sing A Song
Based on the title and picture above, you could be forgiven if you thought that this post was about the Von Trapp family and the Sound of Music movie. This post does involve a family with a lot of kids (ours) and singing, but not the big screen production musical sort. Perhaps it had something to do with our Irish heritage and certainly the times were very different. This was back when the internet and smartphones were the stuff of sci-fi, and TV consisted of three channels and watching it was pretty much confined to the Wide World of Sports on Saturday and the Wonderful World of Disney on Sunday.…
Mom Always Liked You Best
When one of my siblings recently said to me that they thought I was mom’s favorite, my first thought was who has time to have a favorite when you have five kids to raise?? But, when I thought about it, I wondered if it wasn’t that I was her favorite, but that she and I had many things in common. This was true from the moment I was born. Mom and I were both born in the month of October, in fact I was just a couple of hours from being born on her birthday. More than once mom said that she wished we had the same birthday. but alas,…
A Woman’s Place is in the Home?
Like most women of her generation mom did not work outside the home. With five children to raise I'm sure she had days where going to work might have seemed like a holiday compared to the mountains of laundry to do, meals to cook and a house to keep clean! Once we five children were older and self-sufficient and, being the friendly people person that she was, mom wanted to work outside the home.
I Married a Vegan
Well, it didn't start out that way. Forty plus years ago when we first met, my husband was your typical meat and potatoes guy. He has always been health conscious and works hard to stay in shape.
Oh the Things We Learned in Saskatoon….
We looked upon our Saskatoon experience as a learning opportunity, so we conducted an extensive review and analysis of events and rated and categorized each significant factor. After thoughtful discussion, we were able to conclude that in the future we should do the following:
We Did It!
As serious 5K walkers, we knew we had to have a strategy and ours was quite simple....DON'T FINISH LAST! We set a blazing pace out of the starting gate and are happy to note that in fact we are not last!! So far so good! At about the halfway point we notice Mag is lagging behind and the people behind us are closing in. After Mag admits that when we thought she was at the gym training, she was actually on the couch watching reruns of Pittsburgh Steelers games, we adjust our pace and decide we have to take some desperate measures...
Running Back to Saskatoon
Picture this: its May 26,2019, its 2 degrees C and here we are jumping around trying to keep warm at the start line for our first official Sisterhood of the Travelling Shoes 5K. Yes, we are in beautiful downtown Saskatoon and you may be wondering why Saskatoon? Well, I'd like to say it was after careful analysis of the race course, amenities, and if they gave out medals (they did) but really, it fit Mag's work schedule (she being the only sister who is still gainfully employed) and so Saskatoon it was. Little did we know the adventures that would await...
Betty Can You Spare a Dime?
We all miss our mom Betty a lot and each have our own ways of remembering her, but who could have predicted that a ten cent coin would cement a belief in our family that she is always right there with us having fun....