What To Do? What To Do?…
With potential retirement on the horizon, I have started thinking about what I would do with all this new found freedom from work. I thought I should try and pick a hobby, but I am just not sure what I would be good at or enjoy, so I set out to try a few activities that might work for me. Big and Middle have been giving me valuable pre retirement advice and constantly bugging me to make a plan so I finally gave in. Here are some of my more interesting possibilities. Beauty Is In The Eye Of The Beholder When I was a young kid I doodled all the…
A Whole New World
We face many milestones in our lives. We can get a drivers license at 16, drink at 18 or 21 depending on where you live, and we can vote when we reach the age of majority, but nobody really talks about the other end of the spectrum – the 55+ milestone. This is the milestone that you reach when you tick the last box on a form when it asks your age. I have officially this reached this milestone, and will be wholeheartedly celebrating with Big and Middle Sis who have both been in the senior category for some time now.🤣 How Much? Things are expensive today, but as a…
Travelling with “the Seniors”
The Sisterhood, as you all know, loves to travel. Sometimes though it can be difficult to travel with a group of people. They don’t always agree on where to go, and what to do. I feel very lucky in that respect as Big and Middle Sis are very agreeable, and we always have an excellent time. My challenge comes with travelling with not one but two seniors. Let me spill the tea. Panic in the Cab After a very long flight we finally arrived at the Halifax airport, at 11:00PM. We collected our bags, got a cab, and were on our way to the hotel. Middle Sis, and myself were…
In Search Of….
What do Leonard Nimoy (Mr Spock) and Little Sis have in common? Well here we go. Do you remember the TV show from the late 70's or 80's called In Search Of...? In case you don't, it was a TV show narrated by non other, Leonard Nimoy, and each week he would do a show about some of life's great mysteries and the search for answers. He would do episodes on things like Big Foot, the Loch Ness monster and the disappearance of people like DB Cooper or Jimmy Hoffa. Little did I know that, after deciding to take my sisters advice and find a personal trainer, it would turn…
The Latest Fitness Trend Is?
After searching high and low and everywhere in between, I have finally found the exercise program that is going to give me the Summer Bod I have always dreamed of. I am so excited because I figure if I start this program right now, I will have my Summer Bod by, well, Summer, or if I work extra hard in just a few short weeks. So, please read on. I know that everyone over 50 has heard of Prancercise as the number one way to get in shape. If you haven’t, you might want to check it out on Youtube. But being the creative sort that I am, I have…
Due to popular demand from the canine community, Biscuit is back with a replay of a previous post, detailing her career as an esteemed advice columnist.
The End Is Near
No, I have not developed a life threatening illness, nor have I turned into a doomsday believer. The end that I am thinking about is an end to my working life. Yes, the time has finally come. After all these years of getting up at the crack of dawn, and working my fingers to the bone, I have started to think about retirement. Yes, you heard it right, I am starting to think about it. I am at the stage in my life where it's time to start thinking about what I want to do for the rest of my life, as I am officially the last one in the…
It’s Not Easy Being Me
Biscuit here. Ever since I was made a fulltime member of the Sisterhood, way back when, my life has changed dramatically. No longer am I the smalltown dog living in a small world. I am now a big town dog living a bigtime world. Never in a million dog years did I ever think that I would be a social media star. I thought I would just spend my days getting belly rubs, eating treats, taking long naps and reading famous dog biographies in my spare time. Boy was I wrong! While my meteoric rise to the top of the social media scene has truly been a whirlwind adventure, it…
The Long and Short of It
We all face different challenges in our lives, but Big and Little Sis have one in common. That is the challenge of, well quite frankly being 5 ft and 5ft 3" respectively, in a world that is 5ft 5.” Even when we wear heels it doesn’t help, we still can’t reach the top shelf at the Grocery Store.
On The Road Again
Biscuit here. It feels like forever since we went on a road trip and the time has finally come. I am so excited I can hardly stand it! We’re going to Oregon and I can’t wait to run on the beach, chase seagulls, and roll in stuff that smells good to me, but not everybody else. Time To Get Ready We were a lot more organized this year than we have been in the last several years, so the car was packed the night before our departure. The biggest concern I heard Little Sis and her hubby talking about was the possible long wait at the border because of the…