Life In The Slow Lane
Technology is here to stay no matter how hard I try to fight it. I try to pay cash as much as I can, and I sometimes pay bills on line, but will often go in person to pay a bill. I still listen to my cassette tapes, but I have an iPod too, so you can see my dilemma. I am a combination of loving technology and absolutely hating it. I am stuck in the middle, or as the Bon Jovi song says, "I'm half way there."
Gimme Shelter
I have always been a dog person. My dog Biscuit, an honorary member of the Sisterhood, and I thought it might be a good idea to write a post about dogs I have known and loved.
Have You Met Your Match?
There are many things in this life that come in pairs: socks, shoes, and gloves just to mention a few, and of course twins. There are even different kinds of twins. We have maternal, fraternal, and identical. There is however one group of twins that is often overlooked, and that is the Doppelganger. Read on..
Edison, Eat Your Heart Out.
As we all know Thomas invented the light bulb, and various other items that we still use today. In our previous post, When Your Focus is Out of Focus, I shared my tendency to zone out and lose myself in distracting thoughts. Well, I'm pleased to inform you that when my mind starts to wander, I often channel Thomas Edison, so I have a few inventions of my own that I would like to share with you. I just hope they don't go the way of things like the remote control headband, the butter stick, (this is like chap stick but it is butter instead), and the phone fingers. These…
Off To Randy’s House We Go…Maybe?
The above picture is of our brother Randy. Despite an uncanny resemblance to Howdy Doody, we think he is just adorable. Have you ever heard of the saying from the 70's, " Keep on Trucking?" Well this is exactly what the Sisterhood of the Travelling Shoes is going to do. Since we have completed two virtual walks, one along the Cabot Trail and one around the Ring of Kerry, we decided to do one of entirely our own design. Read on faithful follower and see the exciting adventure that we have in store for our next virtual walk.
An Alarming Experience
When Middle and Little Sis both revealed that they were alarm-o-phobic, that is terrified of setting off their house alarm, Big Sis felt she had to intervene. As the older wiser sister, she thought it would be therapeutic for them to work through their alarm-o-phobia by writing about it, in the hope that they could move on with their lives and stop cowering at the front door as they prepare to turn off their house alarm.
Dogs Have Feelings Too..
Hi everyone, Biscuit here. I am very honored to tell you that I did such a good job on my last couple of Posts, I have been asked again to write a little something. I love writing stuff even though its hard to use the keyboard, not having any opposable thumbs and all. Covid has really been hard on all of us and I know that both humans and canines are anxious to get back to normal. Now that it is going away, and I am finally able to get out (paws crossed), I want to share with all of you the fabulous things that I am going to do.
Mom and Me and the PNE
It was recently announced that the PNE (Pacific National Exhibition), would be cancelled for another year. This came as no surprise. It was another “Covid fatality.” Just the mention of the PNE, however, triggered some wonderful memories of visits to it with Mom, myself and my husband. It was an annual event that we all really looked forward to. As a preface to the following I want to note that my husband has often informed me that he wants ” I never paid retail” engraved on his tombstone (and so far he never has.) The significance of this will become a clearer as you read on. The day, or should…
Who’s Speaking Please?
I have been in the work force for over 25 years, and I can feel retirement coming along any day now. (One can only hope.) Over those 25 years I have seen many technological changes, but perhaps the biggest change is in the workforce itself. I am now a "Boomer"surrounded by Millennials, and to say the least, they bring a unique vision to the work place.
Never Ever Did I Think..
Although we are usually very active, Biscuit and I have lately become, well.... lazy. We don't really do much except eat popcorn, and watch reruns of Law and Order, Law and Order Special Victims Unit and any other crime show that we can find. Fortunately though, we recently had an epiphany, came to our senses and decided that we needed a project. So, following a time honored tradition, we chose to do some Spring cleaning. Biscuit thought it might be a good time to shake off some cob webs, and because we are still under the thumb of COVID there isn't much else to do anyway.