Sisters Dish

  • Sisters Dish

    G’Day Mate

    Our daughter recently moved to Australia and we miss her terribly. So…..we took the plunge and arranged a trip “down under.” At first glance, it seemed simple enough. After all, it’s a Commonwealth country, and they speak English. Perfect! What could possibly go wrong? Uh…apparently, quite a bit. (cue the scary music)😉 The Good, The Sort of Bad and The Ugly We like to think we are seasoned travelers so we take a very methodical approach to planning our travel adventures. Of course task number one was confirming our dates with our daughter and booking flights. Done! So far so good. (Because we wanted to spend as much time as…

  • Athletic Adventures,  Sisters Dish

    In Search Of….

    What do Leonard Nimoy (Mr Spock) and Little Sis have in common? Well here we go. Do you remember the TV show from the late 70's or 80's called In Search Of...? In case you don't, it was a TV show narrated by non other, Leonard Nimoy, and each week he would do a show about some of life's great mysteries and the search for answers. He would do episodes on things like Big Foot, the Loch Ness monster and the disappearance of people like DB Cooper or Jimmy Hoffa. Little did I know that, after deciding to take my sisters advice and find a personal trainer, it would turn…

  • Sisters Dish

    You Deserve A Break Today

    If you are over 40 you will recognize the title of this post as the 1970s slogan for McDonald’s restaurant. In the late 70s I was mom to two young children and we were regular visitors to McDonalds where the food, prices and atmosphere were focused on young families like ours. As the children got older we gravitated away from fast food restaurants and for many years have not really visited any of them until recently. This post is me fessing up to the fact that I succumbed to all the fast food marketing hype and fell off the healthy eating wagon hard. A Trip Down Memory Lane I am…

  • Sisters Dish

    The Amazon Echo Mystery

    Our extended family probably has elite status with Amazon Prime. We regularly take advantage of the convenience of online shopping and Christmas in particular is our busiest purchasing season. In fact, this past Christmas was, as they say, "one for the books." Multiple parcels were arriving on our doorstep daily and the Amazon boxes were piling up, so much so that it was hard to keep track of what was ordered and what actually had arrived.

  • Athletic Adventures,  Sisters Dish

    The Latest Fitness Trend Is?

    After searching high and low and everywhere in between, I have finally found the exercise program that is going to give me the Summer Bod I have always dreamed of. I am so excited because I figure if I start this program right now, I will have my Summer Bod by, well, Summer, or if I work extra hard in just a few short weeks. So, please read on. I know that everyone over 50 has heard of Prancercise as the number one way to get in shape. If you haven’t, you might want to check it out on Youtube. But being the creative sort that I am, I have…

  • Athletic Adventures,  Sisters Dish

    Channeling My Inner Athlete

    As I remember, it was a warm, sunny day in 1960, and I was missing school because I was supposedly sick. I say supposedly because my only truly vivid memory of the day was that my fifth grade teacher was speaking to my mom on the phone. I was naturally concerned that I had done something wrong and was about to be punished. Far from it. The annual athletic day was tomorrow and my team needed me. Apparently, I was the fastest runner in Grade Five and the relay team would go down to defeat without me. At the tender age of 10, I was regarded as pivotal to their…

  • Sisters Dish

    And The Winner Is…

    With February over and done, we thought you might be wondering how successful each of the Sisters were in completing their individual challenges. While the Sisterhood is all about female empowerment, Big, Middle and Little Sis also believe that a little bit of healthy competition among sisters is not a bad thing and decided to declare a challenge winner. Unfortunately, Wayne Gretzky was unavailable for comment so the Sisterhood was forced to dig deep and solve the dilemma on their own. Read on to see how this "terrific trio" managed to resolve their quandary in a fair and reasonable manner, and who was ultimately declared the obvious winner.

  • Sisters Dish

    We’re Not Getting Older We’re Getting Better?

    Big, Middle and Little Sis are all getting up there in age and have recently had some interesting experiences in the health department, as is wont to happen when you are firmly ensconced in the senior citizen category (Well, maybe Little Sis isn't firmly ensconced yet, but she definitely has one foot in). Realizing that they are not unique in this, they decided to share their experiences in the hope of providing guidance and encouragement to those who might find themselves similarly afflicted.

  • Sisters Dish

    Let’s Do This!

    I have known for a while, that because my Grandmother was born in Northern Ireland, I am eligible to apply for Irish citizenship. I have also known that as exciting as that may be, the process appears to be quite rigorous and I have a long list of other adventures to pursue. But I recently decided that it's time to just do it! 2024 will be the year I will wholeheartedly devote myself to the application process. I am committed to this. And so with the full support of the Sisterhood, I begin.....

  • Sisters Dish

    Step By Step

    If you recall, for the month of February Big, Middle and Little Sis each decided that the answer to Wayne Gretzky's question "You want a challenge don't you?" was "yes" and so they each chose something that they want to accomplish over the month. And being the wise women that they are, they know accountability is key when you are trying to make a change so, it seemed that a good way to do this would be to post a progress report for all the world to see. With this in mind, read on to see how the Sisterhood is doing at the halfway point in their quest for glory,…