Sisters Dish
Make No Bones About It
Mom was a few months short of 90 when she passed, and she enjoyed relatively good health well into her mid 80's. She was a very social person, happy to participate in many of the activities at her care facility. She walked every day (even though it was only a few blocks to get her Starbucks☺️) and took her medications as prescribed.
Three Ring Circus
Haven’t we all at one time or another felt like our life was a three ring circus? Well, in our house we recently had a three ring circus of a different kind when raccoons decided to set up house in our attic. Yep, that’s right – literally raccoons in the attic, and figuratively too as we tried to figure out what to do. Spring Has Sprung One morning as I was sitting at my desk enjoying the sunshine, I heard a kind of a scratching on the roof and sounds that I thought might be baby birds. I quickly chalked it up to a bird nest on our roof. Kind…
The Games People Play
Once upon a time, about 35 years ago, five young mothers each walked their daughter into the first day at Mountainview Preschool. It was a new exciting experience for both Moms and daughters. But little did they know the significance of that day and the ultimate bonds that would be established and nurtured over the coming years. Encouraged by their Moms, the daughters became friends. In the beginning they had play dates (dress up was a favorite), played soccer, went to Brownies and celebrated birthdays together. And the Moms gradually began to know, appreciate and support each other. They chatted at soccer games, before and after Preschool and even became…
Spring has Sprung
Yup! Spring is finally here. Gone are the cold, rainy and dark days of winter. It really does feel like we are coming out of a dark cocoon into the light, where there is a renewed sense of happiness and optimism. Along with that comes the feeling of a new beginning, which of course means… time to start spring cleaning. Yay! I have to be honest, cleaning is not one of my favourite things no matter what time of year, but invoking the old “misery loves company” axiom, this year I convinced Biscuit to help. She’s not a happy camper and I have to do some sweet talking but she…
I Believe I Can Fly
We are in that time between cozying up by the fireplace to keep warm, and hanging out at the beach to soak up some Vitamin D. While we wait for the thermometer to rise, watching movies seems to be on the Sisterhood’s agenda. And when Little Sis was talking the other day about a new Marvel superhero movie we couldn’t resist imagining what powers we would want to have if we were “Senior Citizen Superheroes.” On The Level By Middle Sis Even though I am nick named the Woo-Woo Sister, I also like to be practical. So my Super Power would be laser level eyes that would allow me to…
The Littlest Hobo 2.0
Little Sis here. The Sisterhood, including Biscuit, met for coffee the other day and the discussion turned to some of our favourite Canadian TV shows . We talked about Wayne and Schuster, The Beachcombers, The Pig and Whistle, and who could forget about Biscuit's absolute favorite, The Littlest Hobo, the adventures of a German Shepherd dog who was always there when you needed him. It was a typically Canadian show. For of those you who have watched shows on the CBC you know exactly what I am talking about. Soon nostalgia really kicked in and we decided we needed to do a Littlest Hobo reboot, bringing it into modern times,…
I Love Rock n’ Roll
Little Sis has an encyclopedic memory when it comes to rock and roll music. She can recall the name of just about any song and the artist who sings it. A recent round of musical trivia reminded Big and Middle Sis of this talent and led to the discovery that, although they are related, their tastes in music couldn't be any more different.
Too Much Time On My Hands
Recently I had the misfortune of experiencing an EIE (extreme illness event.) No, it wasn't Covid but to be honest, I am not entirely sure what it was. I can, however, report that it put me out of commission for 5 long days. I was miserable and feeling very sorry for myself. As is often the case when illness strikes, boredom sets in and I was no exception. After doing everything I could possibly think of (ie. reading, daydreaming, staring out the window, singing my favorite songs and even an attempt at meditating) I finally gave in and started scrolling through my phone.
🎵Celebrate Good Times…C’mon🎵
It is well known that the Sisterhood loves a celebration so, in these last waning days of winter we thought it might be fun to design events that would give us both something to look forward to and be proud of. We are of course not only creative but patriotic, and can definitely see a future where Canadians near and far would enthusiastically celebrate our suggested national holidays.....If only we knew how to take them to the next level😉 But that's a story for another day. Please read on.
Communication Breakdown
Do you ever wonder what would what would happen if the World Wide Web went dark, and for some strange reason you could no longer write with your dominant hand? How on earth would we be able to communicate? No worries, the Sisterhood is here to save the day.