Sisters Dish

  • Family Fun,  Sisters Dish

    Bonjour Montreal!

    This was to be a post just a few days before we left for Montreal to walk a 5k race and see our brother Randy. But, as we have all experienced numerous times over the past few years, we have had to cancel our trip. This means that we do not have our usual Monday blog post today for your reading pleasure. But, fear not, the Sisterhood is nothing if not resilient, and so we will be doing a shorter trip closer to home and will bring you all the details of our adventure in the coming weeks. So for now, its “au revoir” to Montreal but we will be…

  • Betty Boop,  Sisters Dish

    Things My Mother Taught Me

    It’s generally acknowledged that motherhood is a challenge. Not only are you tasked with the every day, keeping the house running smoothly tasks, you are expected to go above and beyond to teach your children essential life skills. If you are blessed with a large family, as Mom was, the challenge can be overwhelming and when a certain young daughter asks to learn how to knit, (technically a non essential life skill) it must be just about the last thing you want to do. But, after a bit of nagging on my part, and probably some serious soul searching on her part, Mom bravely gathered needles and wool and we…

  • Sisters Dish

    Start The Car!

    You may recognize the title of this post as a phrase from an IKEA commercial advertising the affordability of their products. I love this commercial and have been known to utter this phrase myself when it comes to IKEA, not because of their prices, but rather because I am excited to go to IKEA. You see, IKEA and I go way back. I am a huge fan. The Light Goes On Because we lived in a lot of small towns, I didn’t always have the opportunity to visit IKEA. But when we moved to a city that had an IKEA store that I could visit regularly, I was hooked. Oh…

  • Family Fun,  Sisters Dish

    Keeping Up With the Sisters

    Every once in a while life blesses you with an experience that lands in your heart, stays there and leaves you sweet memories. And every once in a while those memories reappear and you relive the magic. In this case, the magic took place in August 2019 when my daughters (affectionately referred to here as #one and #two) decided that a girls trip to Italy was in order. Much to my delight, I was included in that category.

  • Sisters Dish

    And Now For The Rest Of The Story…

    The Sisterhood routinely endeavors to include pictures in our blog posts because we truly believe that " A Picture Tells a Thousand Words." This post in particular adheres to that principle, telling our story not only in words but also in multiple pictures and videos. Hopefully it will capture the essence of our Reunion 2022 and illustrate the joy, laughter and nonsense that was the heart and soul of our day. So grab a seat and your drink of choice, and get ready for an audio visual extravaganza!

  • Sisters Dish

    Preparation is Key

    We're so excited and we just can't hide it! This is it folks! The Sisterhood is about to meet in person. For the first time in "forever," we can say, "see you next week" and literally mean it. We only have the weekend together and a lot of territory to cover, so we need to be efficient and mindful of our timing, hence preparation is of the utmost importance.

  • Sisters Dish

    100 (Almost) Posts and Counting

    We at the Sisterhood of the Travelling Shoes like to think of ourselves as a well oiled machine – organized and smooth running. But we all know that every machine has a breakdown from time to time and the Sisterhood is no exception – thus the “Almost ” in the title. You see, in my enthusiasm to celebrate reaching the 100 post milestone I somehow miscounted and it turns out that as of today we are at 93 posts… Being the flexible group that we are and determined not to lose sight of the fact that 93 posts is an accomplishment worth celebrating too, it seemed a good time to…

  • Sisters Dish,  Travels with My Sisters

    And the Saga Continues…

    A Quick Recap… The Sisterhood is on an athletic adventure, and an inspirational mission. Yes, we are still walking to Montreal to see our brother Randy. When last we spoke, we were enjoying the lovely town of Princeton, B.C. Canada. Since then, we have braved torrential rain, physical pain (we’re approaching the mountains now) and overwhelming depression….. just kidding about the depression! In case you are wondering though, Big Sis is still complaining of foot pain, Middle Sis is still ridiculously upbeat and Little is preoccupied with Biscuit’s well being and comfort. But I digress. We are now just outside of Enderby,B.C., where we are going to rest for a…

  • Sisters Dish

    “Working 9 to 5”

    Recently Little Sis, the only sister still gainfully employed, had the opportunity to apply for a new job. She detailed the interview process at our latest Sisterhood planning meeting and as is often the case, it resulted in a marathon analytical session with Big and Middle offering their thoughts.

  • Sisters Dish

    Life In The Slow Lane

    Technology is here to stay no matter how hard I try to fight it. I try to pay cash as much as I can, and I sometimes pay bills on line, but will often go in person to pay a bill. I still listen to my cassette tapes, but I have an iPod too, so you can see my dilemma. I am a combination of loving technology and absolutely hating it. I am stuck in the middle, or as the Bon Jovi song says, "I'm half way there."