Write On!
If you know that this sentence contains all the letters of the alphabet, you are probably Baby Boomer age or older and may have spent time in elementary school writing it to practice your handwriting skills. Fast forward to today when school aged kids can find their way around a computer keyboard at lightning speed and can type a text in record time using only their thumbs, but find handwriting a bit of a mystery. As someone who prefers good old pen and paper for getting thoughts across, this idea strikes horror in my heart and has moved me to start a crusade to Bring Back Handwriting! Putting Pen To…
Who’s Speaking Please?
I have been in the work force for over 25 years, and I can feel retirement coming along any day now. (One can only hope.) Over those 25 years I have seen many technological changes, but perhaps the biggest change is in the workforce itself. I am now a "Boomer"surrounded by Millennials, and to say the least, they bring a unique vision to the work place.
Is There Ever Enough Time?
Well we really set ourselves up this time (no pun intended)! I mean who in their right mind would think that a topic so broad and so fraught with a multitude of possible interpretations could be dealt with in one measly monthly challenge? Apparently we did, and let me tell you, we suffered for it....of course there was no physical pain involved but the mental anguish was almost unspeakable. Okay, I exaggerate slightly but this challenge was really hard. And so it came to pass that after much discussion, we decided to focus on how we use our time in the morning
Won’t You Let Me Take You On A Sea Cruise 2.0…
In keeping with the Starbucks theme we are re posting another lovely memory of "Travels With Our Mother." We had so much fun and Mom loved it. It was good to get away and spend quality time together..... good times! After Dad passed away and his estate was settled, we decided that Mom needed a holiday, and a cruise fit the bill. Mag had to work so Kerri and Shauna took Betty on a trip along the East Coast, starting in New York and ending in Montreal. Hopefully, our timing would coincide with the brilliant fall foliage, some nice weather, and an opportunity to celebrate Mom's birthday in mid October.…
Bettybucks 2.0
Our mom Betty was one of Starbucks biggest fans and, with Starbucks celebrating its 50th anniversary a couple of weeks ago, it seemed like the perfect time to revisit our post about Betty and the power of a cup of Starbucks coffee in her life. So, here is that post originally published in March of 2020.
Never Ever Did I Think..
Although we are usually very active, Biscuit and I have lately become, well.... lazy. We don't really do much except eat popcorn, and watch reruns of Law and Order, Law and Order Special Victims Unit and any other crime show that we can find. Fortunately though, we recently had an epiphany, came to our senses and decided that we needed a project. So, following a time honored tradition, we chose to do some Spring cleaning. Biscuit thought it might be a good time to shake off some cob webs, and because we are still under the thumb of COVID there isn't much else to do anyway.
Coding, Cooking and Colors
The Sisterhood of the Travelling Shoes decided their March Word of the Month would be "Why Not?" In keeping with the guidelines for the Word of the Month Challenge , each sister is free to interpret and incorporate the word(s) in whatever way they choose, which as you will see led to some interesting activities....
You’re Never Too Young…
It was a dark and stormy night....no, wait, it was actually a beautiful pre covid sunny summer afternoon and Biscuit and I were out for a walk. At her request we made a point of walking past her favorite park when suddenly in the distance we spotted a group of elderly people doing what appeared to be some form of exercise. We decided to check it out from afar because Biscuit did not want people to think we were being nosey. We watched for a few moments, and then Biscuit asked me what I thought this was all about. I told her I thought it was Tai Chi. It was…
Book Lovers Anonymous
At the risk of showing my age, Dick and Jane is where my reading career began. Shortly thereafter my love affair with all things books blossomed and when libraries entered the picture, well, lets just say that my life was complete!
Voices in my Head….
Several years ago while on a camping vacation, my world was "slightly jostled" when I realized I was the only family member who was rested, refreshed and ready for an active day. Everyone else it seemed was tired, grumpy and somewhat apathetic. What was the reason for this unfortunate situation, you ask? Well, I had experienced a deep and peaceful night's sleep while the other family members had been subjected to an overnight "cricket chorus" that apparently went on for some hours.